Collection - is a group of records with the same fields. For example, a blog with different articles, products in an online store, a list of authors i.e. any content that is repeated.

Main Elements

  1. Collection Name
  2. API Button Click to see the Endpoints available for the current collection.
  3. Export/Import Click opens a modal where you can export or import an xlsx file, after setting it up (read more in Export/Import ).
  4. Views list You can save a configured view for future use and create new ones (see Saving views).
  5. View settings You can set up Filter, Sorting, Visibility.
  6. Add Button Click adds a new record to the collection by opening Editor page.
  7. Records List All created (filtered or found) records in the collection.
  8. Pagination Shows the number of items on pages and how many pages of content are available.

Records List

Let's take a closer look at the records in the collections:

  1. Each row is a separate record. You can display part of its content on the collection screen through Visibility.
  2. Clicking on the record name opens the editing mode (see Editor page), where we can see all the contents of the record and make the necessary changes.
  3. Clicking on the grip icon opens a context menu, through which you can duplicate or delete the record. When duplicating a record, it is duplicated with (+1) in the name field.

Record structure

The record line consists of two parts:

  1. Record Name (Name) This field is created by default when creating a collection (see Constructor)
  2. Additional Fields By default, the first 8 available fields are displayed for collections. You can independently configure their display and order in the Visibility.

<aside> ⚠️ Important in the current version, you cannot show more than 8 fields.


Creating a New Record

When you click the Add button, it switches to editing mode, where you can write the content of the new record (read more in Editor page).

Searching record

In collections, you can search for a needed record by name (Name field).

  1. To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon

  2. Write the needed word in the opened input

  3. Search results are displayed as you type.

  4. If there are no matches for the search, we see the following message. To reset and close the search, click on x.


Pagination is displayed when there is at least one record in the collection. By default, 20 records can be displayed on one page. This value can be changed through the Show input. It should not be more than 200. If you specify the value 300, the value in the input will change to 200.

When the page is refreshed, the pagination resets back to 20.


If the number of records does not fit on the screen, a scroll bar appears on the right and the record list starts to scroll vertically in the designated area.

API Endpoints

When you click the API button, a modal opens with all available endpoints

Edge Cases


Field types like Rich text, Image, Boolean, and AG-Condition do not have text names, but have icons. However, when hovering over column headers, the field name is displayed as a tooltip.

The same applies to the headers of standard fields that did not fit into the column. When hovering, the full name is displayed through the tooltip.

Empty Collection

When opening an empty collection, a placeholder appears. After adding the very first record, this message disappears.

<aside> 🔖 Read more on this topic ——————————— Export/Import Saving views
